Android programming learning progress: I can now make really dopey mistakes on yet another platform. #geek #sortofawin #isuppose
@hayles @stillawake Hey, I was only a *little* annoyed that I didn’t win the mascara.
@Bingo_Little And about five minutes from my front door :) Have clambered up there to take streamy headlight photos at night :)
juskewitch Do you guys know what sewing is? A girl at work just fixed my pants with string and some kind of tiny sword. It was like magic.
@MandinaM Oh. Dear. Hope it’s over quickly.
Sitting in BTP fiddling with an Android app.
@MandinaM Oh dear?
@matt_fwyalchen Significantly less curious than a five-legged sheep, though.
@hayles You say, “Who’s in?”; I hear “Who’s rolling on the floor clutching their bruised arse while being run over by gits on razor blades?”
@KaveyF Related fact: I think you and Pete are the only people ever to bring me unsolicited bread.
@KaveyF Unsolicited bread. UNSOLICITED BREAD. Bet nobody brings me unsolicited bread today.
@boagworld No problem :)
@boagworld (Well, not quite ~/Desktop, but if you type a ~ into Alfred you should see what I mean.)
@boagworld Also, if you just want to open your Desktop from Alfred, a workaround would probably be typing ~/Desktop
@boagworld Does it show up in a Spotlight search?
@boagworld All sorted, then?
@boagworld See pic. Maybe I’ve got a setting set somewhere. Unfortunately my memory for stuff like that is bad…
@boagworld It finds folders for me, having just given it a whizz.
@teambruji Great, thanks for the help.
@MyDarlinRainbow Rubbish, innit?
Bah. #insomnia