Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

January 23rd, 2014

@adamgasson Just checked in case I could confirm a problem, but Netflix is working fine for me here…

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@DrHairbear That would be fantastic, yes please. Do you have hankering for any old cameras or film? Am decluttering.

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TheAnorak @BoingBoing ha! Victoria Line Suspended Because Workmen Poured Concrete Into Control Room –…Ll

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 5:56 PM, Jan 23rd, 2014 via Echofon)

Damn it. So, seems I lost my Fitbit Ultra at least two months before they’ll release the shiny new Fitbit Force in the UK :(

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daringfireball Photos of New York’s Graffiti-Covered Subway in the 1980s:

via DF Tootbot (retweeted on 1:28 PM, Jan 23rd, 2014 via Echofon)

@Phooto Sometimes I do miss the Saab. Could probably fit the MINI *and* the bike rack in the boot :)

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@DBDulley *SMASHES SOMETHING* *Looks apologetically at BMW dealer*

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@Phooto Yeah. I spent £47 on mine ;) Probably only use it a dozen times a year.

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@AthanSpod Good LED lighting in general needs a lot of work. Looking forward to decent LED home lighting at some point.

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@Phooto I just struggle along with Halfords cheaparse bike rack. If I had to faff putting the thing on more often I might be tempted.

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That price for fitting LED lights is 80% of what I paid for my previous entire car.

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Can’t imagine a universe in which this could tempt me. Quite glad.

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@hayles @dangusset Worked somewhere where new guy joined with same name as MD. Love to know how much misdirected embarrassing email he got.

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@archidave @andybeebristol pulling the plug out did help, it’s true. Had to squeegee water from inside windows just now, though. Not ideal.

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@Phooto (Apparently “diagnose” is “Barry gets in the back and Dave hoses the car until Barry shouts.”)

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@Phooto I guess we’ll see. They couldn’t see obvious problem last time, but didn’t have time to diagnose…

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@hayles “Must have AAT level 2, be prepared for flexible working hours, and be named Haley. Deed Poll changes acceptable.”

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@hayles I’m thinking you would have let the power go to your head and recruited an army of Hayleses.

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@guriben Mais oui. Global population estimate now stands at roughly 350.

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@hayles Yeah, but that’s only because you weren’t in charge of the company, isn’t it? :D

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@guriben Thank you. I’m sure it’ll be fine, even if it does involve going to Cribbs. Sigh. Enjoy your boxing.

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@hayles Yur. But if you were running a team, how many people called Hayley would you hire before you started to think, “hang on…”

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@Dru_Marland Sweet. My little car is only eleven years young this month, so I’m hoping they can Just Fix It.

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@hayles Matt’s the founder. I’ve often wondered if there’s (unconscious) prejudice about hiring too many people with same name for a team.

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@Dru_Marland …but it’s still coming in. Might just be the seal on the window.

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@Dru_Marland Yur. Round my way, uphill/downhill can make about 90 degrees of difference, so I’ve experimented with that…

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@guriben Mornin’. How’s you today?

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Today I will be taking my little car to the dealer to see if they can stop its boot filling with water. Hopefully this will not cost much.

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Morning all.

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(Paul Sieminski is the general legal counsel at Automattic, Inc, and I love the fact that he is known inside the company as “Automattlock”.)

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Paul Sieminski: Corporations Abusing Copyright Laws Are Ruining the Web for Everyone:…

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