@mattwritescode Would be nice, especially as Android doesn’t seem to have a standard for mic/remote wiring :/
@mattwritescode I’m pretty sure they don’t.
@hayles Which makes me wonder why someone drew such a tempting graphic, and the app has a big exclamation mark that begs me to pair it. Grr.

I didn’t think the @fitbit Ultra could do that. And mine won’t connect when I try. But why the pretty picture, then? pic.twitter.com/0EbOBZxuYP

Mixed messages from The Atlantic. pic.twitter.com/9WMnBPKbPI
@sowerbyandluff I’ve been *almost* that grateful to see the tea trolley of a morning.
@charlesarthur That never stopped anyone selling a gadget before, mind.
adamhess1 This driving test is going terribly.
Differenet compartment trays for your wide choose. instagram.com/p/i3r5_6pCxe/

bswud How far a child is allowed to walk on their own, then vs. now pic.twitter.com/JJZilHMUvN
@ianmcshane I’m sure if it had thought of that, that’s probably what it would have done. *slaps computer upside the CPU*
Hint: It’s not what you just did.
Dear OS X, if iTunes & Spotify are open, & iTunes is currently playing music, & I press “play/pause” key, what do you *think* you should do?
@ahnlak I think it’s more likely that Paul Lewis the classical pianist shares a name with a reggae guy.
@ahnlak It seems so unlikely that I’m not going to try.
Algorithmically, a bit of a left turn at the traffic lights, I’d say.
As I listened to a Beethoven piano concerto this week, Spotify is suggesting I’d also like Joe Gibbs “Reggae Anthology”.
Rarely felt more like I’m in some post-apocalyptic computer game. instagram.com/p/i3SZpWpC_R/
@archidave I don’t think there’s any need for weeping. Can always unpublish it!
@archidave The “Welcome to…” looks published.
@archidave Couldn’t you? I see two new ones…
@archidave Cool! You’re managing to work the download system, then? :)
I was meant to be moving some stuff into storage today. Maybe tomorrow, eh?
Morning all.
Bloody hell. Think someone is playing the BBC “weather” sound effects record outside.