@DrHairbear Perfect. Spicer + Cole, Princess Victoria Street?
@hayles @waiyeehong @ockhamsshotgun I might have a mini-celebration tomorrow. No whisky in at the mo. And the haggis might be on sale :)
Triggertrap New year; new job? We just posted 3 awesome new #Bristol-based #jobs. Full details on our website: j.mp/1hRCZrm #Vacancy #Hiring
@waiyeehong @OckhamsShotgun I think they still might, round here, but that’s just the bagpiper.
@adamgasson Those guys can pipe all night. Might be in for a long haul.
@adamgasson Well, I don’t like to be unkind, so… I think I might just put some music on.
@hayles Maybe it’s just the Scots reminding us what we’ll miss when devolution comes and The Wall goes back up :)
@hayles Dunno. But I wish I’d known in time to buy haggis.
Hope Chapel doing a Burns thang, then. vine.co/v/MuBrKa39F1t
Tall. vine.co/v/MuBv3U3untr
@Kavey No, this is to rationalise the huge-stacks-of-shite-all-on-top-of-each-other Alcove of Doom.
@Kavey Putting up shelves.

Future archaeologists would know that this house contained much IKEA furniture, probably for use in sacrifices. pic.twitter.com/LkX4AcA6DJ
@waiyeehong @BenPark I hate it when it goes wrong, and love it when it goes right. Enjoying my new shelves.
@shezza_t Yes indeed. And nothing fell back off.
UrsulaWJ @gothick “if u can put up shelves, & not have them fall down, & still not drop the hammer on your foot in exultation…

I love tree silhouettes at this time of year. pic.twitter.com/3zHaRJ1VvS
I have three new shelves. They’re level and haven’t fallen off the wall, and everything. *Mops brow* *Stares into sunset, a changed man*
@BenPark Or even, going for the hat-trick before having a tea-break. Gosh, DIY makes my brain not worky.
@BenPark I have two new shelves! Going for the hat-trick before tackling the difficult third shelf.
*DIY KLAXON* *Puts pencil behind ear, rolls up sleeves*
Snappity: Mary and the River. flickr.com/photos/matt_gi…
@archidave Feels like it.
RichNeville GAIN valuable age every time you read this tweet.
@Bristolvor I was shocked and stunned.
(And that’s *after* Freecycling, charity-shopping, recycling and binning a bunch of stuff. Sigh.)

Current decluttering status: right in the extremely messy middle part. pic.twitter.com/dLxpQfajnT
@food_writer @ArchHouseDeli HURRAH! I have had a (personally-delivered) @Brays_Cottage pork pie and it was the bestest thing ever :) @Kavey
@BlackDogDays That tweet must be a figment of my imagination, then…
Imagined brunch plan shattered by Thali Cafe not opening until noon. Too used to the Easton branch, damn it!
Aww. Just bumped into @RachaelDadd on my way to North Street for brunch. (She makes great music. Check her out.)
@Dru_Marland On the other hand, I imagine having missiles and a canon is a significant advantage on the Magic Roundabout.
Hrm. According to my calculations, I’ve typed 523,107 words into Twitter so far. Bloody hell.
Anyway. Morning all. I was woken by a dream about a crashing Phantom F4 in Swindon. Odd.
@waiyeehong @ratsass @OckhamsShotgun Pretty sure Bonnie Tyler is breach of Geneva Convention. NO I DON”T NEED A F***ING HERO SHUT UP
@waiyeehong @ratsass @OckhamsShotgun …while her and her friends jumped up and down on the floor above your bed.
@waiyeehong @ratsass @OckhamsShotgun I’m guessing you’ve never had one that repeatedly played Bonnie Tyler full blast at 3am…