Burger Jointing. instagram.com/p/j2I-VppCxA/

Trying an Old Moggie in the Port of Call :) @Dru_Marland pic.twitter.com/UMEUGY8fML
Picklechu @gothick They also to take serious note of the dangerous driving on the roads after reviewing footage of Wacky Races.
In other news, government to launch investigation into shocking fatality statistics at Holby General.
David Cameron “…said TV crime dramas illustrated the value of monitoring mobile data.” bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politiā¦
@corylus They’ll miss the signs, and end up third or fourth against the wall, having been told off by the conductor and tutted at.
@Aeyoun Are you cramping my creative style!? A WEBFONT IN EVERY TWEET, DAMN IT!
@corylus The kind of people who use their phones exclusively to shout “HELLO?! I’M ON THE TRAIN!” also have a blind-spot for door signage.
valmcdermid “Because you listened to Handel, you might like Melanie”
Spotify, what drugs are you on???
@corylus Yup. I decided, in the end, that the noise was, on average, about the same, but annoyance factor was higher in the quiet carriage.
@OpinionatedGeek I used to do it a lot for my old Talbot, back in the day. But London had a lot of accessible scrapyards.
@psidnell I’m fckng tempted.
@OpinionatedGeek I’m guessing they’re too rare to be easily found in scrapyards?
@UrsulaWJ Unless you have a *lot* of food in, I’d say so.
Just kicked the power cable out of the back of a RAID box. Lucky I’m not in a server room somewhere important.
@LeArtCorner I’ve pretty much gone off Maplin, but that’s because of the blaring advert-TVs rather than the cottaging.
@guriben Really. *dramatic teenage sigh*
@cabalgata Yeah. I’m going to be mistyping that for months.
“Elsif”? Oh Ruby, are you trying to make me want to slap you? For the sake of avoiding typing an “e”?
@OpinionatedGeek Ah, I’m okay with PHP. Maybe just because I’m used to it.
@OpinionatedGeek At some point I’ll give it a go, but I might wait until it’s a bit more established.
@OpinionatedGeek So seeing as I’m now used to it, it might be better to stick with. I’ve started using it for PHP debugging, too.
@OpinionatedGeek I started using it again for Android; at the time it was either “Eclipse”, or “Well, you *could* use X, but…”
Note to self: Avoid Avon Crescent, unless on foot and armed with a camera :D
BristolCouncil Bristol on new flood alert bit.ly/1kjbPKQ
@OpinionatedGeek When I first tried Eclipse I thought it was awful. Either it got better, or a modern Mac just helps a lot more than old PC.
@OpinionatedGeek Emacs I can cope with. Also looking into RubyMine and an Aptana plugin for Eclipse.
@OpinionatedGeek Ruby on Rails.
waxpancake In the vein of my old side project, @justinthiele released a list of 2,510 legible, available verb/adjective domains: dictionarydomains.co
@ahnlak I think the first time I used autocomplete it was in Emacs…
@ahnlak …but I must admit to a fondness for a decent GUI environment for modern programming. Must be the Microsoft boy in me.
@ahnlak Emacs. One of the nice things about modern computing is that it now looks lightweight and efficient compared to most other IDEs :)
@guriben You appear to be starting to run a keyboard macro that hasn’t been defined. Did you mean Ctrl-X Ctrl-C? #:q!
@guriben But I may simply resort to Emacs.
@guriben Eclipse is one of the options I’m trying (with Aptana plugin for Rails) as I’m used to it for Android. Lots of other options, tho.
Starting to learn any new platform involves a lot of yak-shaving. Now trying to pick an IDE.
@ahnlak It has got better, apparently — Ruby 2 and Rails 4 meant to be much more efficient, I think.
@ahnlak (Also, this would be for a project with an income stream of sorts, which helps.)
@ahnlak I’ve heard that, like EC2, it automatically scales to the size of your wallet.
@ahnlak I’m thinking it should be a breath of fresh air to someone who knows Symfony. Also, I have this VPS now… And there’s always Heroku
Today I will be mostly learning Rails.
@emmafurious I’m assuming the radio silence from @Jorence means I can offer these bookcases to @amberanima, yur?