@ChinaShopBull No. But only because I replaced it myself with a spare from eBay. Piece of crap.

Riches. pic.twitter.com/TDpX0EJHMU

Clearing out. pic.twitter.com/hkT9J7TwAn
@fogus Doesn’t mean anything to me, and I’m a programmer but not a gamer. What does it mean?
@benjohnbarnes Eggactly Right.
Huzzah! instagram.com/p/i08o5NpCy7/

HURRY UP DAMNIT pic.twitter.com/nI2hPYIWzj
@Picklechu Luckily, that’s what I’m doing in this case. But I thought I’d be getting better with practice, and I’m not…
One day, I’ll remember to use my business email address for sending out business-related email. One day.
@benjohnbarnes I shall give it a watch at some point, then. Ta.
Morning all.
“I couldn’t imagine what Americans did at night…” tumblr.gothick.org.uk/post/724296904…