Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

January 21st, 2014

@Knight_cider No, though they do vegetarian and vegan options.

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@DrHairbear Err. Seeing strange DMs from you.

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@Squonk Yur. Never really done mixed backups on any scale, it does make things more complicated.

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@Squonk For that, I’d use something like this:… so you can just buy cheap bare drives.

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@BristolCouncil So, does that mean I can’t put them in the black box? (These are technical books that are out of date, so really just junk.)

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@Squonk (I do “live” backups to a RAID NAS box, plus I do a whole-disk backup to an external drive kept elsewhere now and then.)

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@Squonk It’s not so bad for me, as I’ve got less than a terabyte in total. So it all fits on one disk, and I just back the whole thing up.

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@antimitch (I kind of went the long way round!)

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@antimitch …exactly a signposted path, but it’s not hard to find from there.

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@antimitch There’s a map at the Leigh Court entrance to the woods, right at the corner of the arboretum. It’s not…

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Interesting for photographers looking for storage, perhaps: RT @theloop: Hard drive failure rates -

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Anyone know if it’s all right to put actual big books in the @BristolCouncil black recycling box?

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@antimitch That was pretty much my mission and reasoning for today :D

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Here is a better photo of the teensy tiny tree in Leigh Woods that I went out to find today.…

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@liveindetail Also: it’s rattling, and the zoom ring is jammed. Fairly sure cleaning the contacts won’t help ;)

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@liveindetail If I knew that I’d stop doing it. Neither incident stemmed from any harsh treatment I can think of.

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Lens repair arranged. Got to say, Domestic & General very good lens insurance. Had this lens repaired through them before. Glad I renewed!

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@antimitch Leigh Woods. Trudged all the way up to their arboretum. It’s nice.

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Back in from a Very Long Walk. Lovely day, marred only slightly by finding that my 17-55 lens has died again. Grr.

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@jessicaplautz Not true. Chuck Norris prefers them to pretzels. Crunchier.

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archidave no, YOU spent your whole lunch hour decorating Sir John Vanbrugh for his 350th birthday…

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@weirdoldhattie I think you’ll find their “Technology Retreat Spa” package is actually £34.99 a month.

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This thing is not small. I guess the clue’s in the name. Only a young ‘un, planted 1860.

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Giant - check. Red - check. Made of wood - check. Think I’ve found what I was looking for.

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Picked the right few hours for a walk, then. :)

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@ahnlak Well, obviously I was writing about one of the servants, but it’s still important to have in the vocabulary.

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OS X does not have “cuppa” in its British English spelling dictionary. WTF I DONT EVEN

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Might go for a walk in Leigh Woods today. Won’t be *quite* the same as it was around this time last year……

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@liveindetail Maybe there’s a way of recycling the rind into candles. Baconcandles. For that “breakfast” small all day long…

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Morning all. I appear to be 41.

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jonmbutterworth I love twitter

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