Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

January 8th, 2014

@liveindetail Clearly shamed by the beautiful craftsmanship.

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@liveindetail Bless its little rusty socks. You had to take the spare tyre off to change the headlight bulbs. Weird little car.

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My first car wwas one of these, only in mud brown, and without the sunroof. Very glad to have it at the time, though!

via Echofon

My bank statements from ’92 provoke nostalgia. £5 from Warwick campus cashpoint. £52.88 at Regent Tyres, keeping a Talbot Samba on the road!

via Echofon

One thing about being ill is that mindless tasks seem quite soothing. Just shredded about twenty years worth of really old records.

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via Echofon in reply to johnfbraun

The dopiness of your question on Stack Overflow is directly related to your inability to use the word “please” without abbreviation.

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@antimitch Given the fever last night and the awful feeling today, I’m really wishing I’d not forgotten. Haven’t had flu for years.

via Echofon in reply to antimitchy

@antimitch My last permie job gave them out for free if you wanted, so I got in the habit and carried on getting them as a freelancer.

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On the plus side, Getty have finally given me a prod on Flickr and asked me to submit some images. So that’s gratifying.

via Echofon

@antimitch This is the first year in about five that I haven’t had a flu jab. Just forgot. Bugger.

via Echofon in reply to antimitchy

Oof. Pretty sure it’s flu. Time to bring some codeine into the mix.

via Echofon

@mattgemmell Cute logo they have there. I think the idea suits @corporaterecs better, though.

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to mattgemmell

mhoye This is amazing. Every episode of The Twilight Zone at the _same time_.…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 3:05 PM, Jan 8th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@thealltimelowe @Malarkey Strange as a strange thing. Desktop: broken for me in Chrome & Safari, works in Firefox. iOS: looks fine in Safari

via Echofon in reply to thealltimelowe

@Malarkey Great choice, by the way. Part of the reason I was fiddling around on your site the other day was to find out what the font was!

via Echofon in reply to Malarkey

@Malarkey Ah. Wonder if it’s got the hair space character in your local version, but *not* in the web font?

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@thealltimelowe @Malarkey (I do *not* have Jubilat installed locally. Do you?)

via Echofon

@Malarkey Yup. Safari 7.0.1, Mavericks 10.9.1. Sorry: noticed it the other day, but assumed you’d have noticed.

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WeirdHorse A man just twisted my body hair and now it’s all messed up

via Hootsuite (retweeted on 1:23 PM, Jan 8th, 2014 via Twitter for Android)

@Kavey Just some odd lurgy, I think.

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@ChinaShopBull …without feeling guilty about sapping a cafe’s profits, and also without eating too much cake.

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@ChinaShopBull I’d quite like it if you could also pay for table service, on top. Sounds like a great place to work…

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(Personally, I really like the idea.)

via Echofon

technicalfault Pay-as-you-go mobile phones and hosting I get - but this? London’s first ‘pay-per-minute’ cafe.

via Tweetbot for Mac (retweeted on 11:21 AM, Jan 8th, 2014 via Echofon)

@technicalfault (I have guilt issues if I don’t make money for cafes while I’m taking up a table, but I don’t need to eat any more food!)

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@technicalfault Works for me. Would basically be a different workplace for me, where I wouldn’t feel guilty if I didn’t buy food.

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@Kavey Makes sense. Glad you at least know what’s going on now and how to deal with it. xxx

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

@Kavey Or is it a sunshine thing?

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@Kavey Jaysus. Do they know why it was that low? Not as if you don’t eat lots of different stuff, is it?

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@manxclaire I have a battered old Ultra. Still doing well. Customer service good.

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ozh Ahah, priceless. Facebook considers itself malicious. via Echofon (retweeted on 10:18 AM, Jan 8th, 2014 via Echofon)

@Kavey Well, that sounds as good as it could be. Good. Definitely vitamin deficiency?

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@Kavey How’s the thumb, sweetie?

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XKCD on photography and attention:

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@Kavey Thank you. It’s an odd one, this. Was fine yesterday. Woke up at 2AM with fever. Now feel rough as feck.

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@liveindetail @rosechild @Bristol52 This is true. Just don’t confuse the harbour for the river and end up walking to Bath :D

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AsaWinstanley He’s a white non-Muslim, so don’t mention the T word: “Man Pulled Over For Speeding Had 48 Bombs In the Car”…

via Twitter for Websites (retweeted on 9:46 AM, Jan 8th, 2014 via Echofon)

@liveindetail @rosechild @Bristol52 …but it’s hard to get very lost. And cut through Underfall Yard if open, it’s interesting!

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@liveindetail @rosechild @Bristol52 Yeah, around the harbourside would be my choice. Helps if you know route between Cottage and SSGB…

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Morning all.

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