Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

January 29th, 2014

@mradamdubois @psidnell I also had the original as a kid. Maybe I will just open it up and play…

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@OldRoberts953 My only exposure is the Half Man Half Biscuit song “Deep House Victims Minibus Appeal”…

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Hrm. Another in the “should I eBay it or just play with it?” collection…

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@Hit_Delete I think mine’s a touch to the right, too, but it’s harder to tell because it’s behind other houses anyway…

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Playing with t’Lensbaby as part of my “do I eBay this or actually start using it?” decisions…

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@ahnlak I’ve never tried one. I do prefer the clicky buttons in general, though.

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@ahnlak Buy me a new Paperwhite and I’ll send you my old 3G with the keyboard :D

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Why don’t spam filters just throw away anything that starts “Dear Valued Customer…”?

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@ahnlak Was it an older model? i.e. is this an opportunity rather than a problem? :)

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sparky “We are offering to buy a new computer with a modern browser for any of our customers who are stuck with IE7.”…

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@BlackDogDays @JonCraig_Photos Sorry, was being fed soup by someone who needed a computery favour :)

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noahlz Decided to start using Upworthy-style commit msgs: “This one-character typo may be small, but defect it causes will leave you speechless.”

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idhunter22 How I Lost My $50,000 Twitter Username (@N_IS_STOLEN at @Medium)

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