@tomasmcguinness That’s AppViz. appviz.com

Aww. Bless. A post-Christmas interest in weight has propelled my little converter app past £200 revenue. #kaching pic.twitter.com/SRylQd6lAb
@bexxi …and, I think, his discovery of Newfoundland.
@bexxi That is Cabot Tower, on Brandon Hill in Bristol. Funded by public subscription to honour Cabot…
Pride of Bristol sunset. instagram.com/p/jCOZYeJC4m/
Brandon. instagram.com/p/jCMdr8pC1p/
Towering. instagram.com/p/jCLuispC02/

@Brays_Cottage @goodshoeday Yeah, they just started popping up! Saw this cutie on Thursday. pic.twitter.com/iT72osiUzu
Morning all.
“The best practice for the modern web is to let people manage their own windows and tabs.” Amen. marco.org/2014/01/10/tar…
@scottejames Has sir has his account compromised, perchance?