@anildash I bodged that together quickly from an actually useful script I have to split Piezo output to two mono tracks with Sox.

@anildash Here’s a disgusting way of putting it on your Services context menu. No control once it’s launched though! :) pic.twitter.com/227T7HHs
@anildash Closest thing I can think of would be Sox, but that’s more like a painful way of driving the same Audacity edit from Terminal.
@anildash That’s a pretty minority requirement. Suggest you rewire your speakers out of phase and put them next to each other instead.
@hayles …it’s a little scary getting back there at night. And she’s been kerb-crawled a couple of times.
@hayles I can’t do it in three words. But E lives there, and it’s generally lovely, has awesome local shops. But…
@archidave Well, they haven’t actually said what they’re *doing* with they hydrogen…

joannelummy Ye olde props arrive for Dr Who filming on Corn Street pic.twitter.com/tcGkoH51
EmmaMason88 Dr Who Bristol filming: Corn St taking on “turn of century” feel, barrels + cars being rolled down street, say traders bit.ly/NS7iz1

Quite scared by this Facebook ad. Is it just me, or is there more than a hint of the “vampiric hypnosis” look going on? pic.twitter.com/M0lvW4RY
I just found a short discussion of one of Robert A Heinlein’s works that’s more interesting for context than content: tumblr.gothick.org.uk/post/298329377…
@BenPark They’re owned by Twitter now anyway, aren’t they? Not a great guarantee of picture-service reliability, it seems…
@BenPark Yur. I’d need another Flickr account for that, though; I try to keep main Flickr account for my better stuff.
@BenPark Gah. And I switched to Twitter’s one after I’d gone through both TwitPic and Lockerz being quite crap, too…

@BenPark Here, can you see this? p.twimg.com/A0v3FpfCYAI4oV…
@BenPark I copy and pasted the link into the browser, and it was 404. The image loads on my phone, though!
scalzi Serious question for women: is 2012 a particularly bad year for sexist fuckery, or am I just noticing it more now? Because, DAMN, Y’ALL.

Yes. The sun *was* over the yardarm. See? pic.twitter.com/kzEPV8pe
Right. I give up with Twitter’s image service. *Sigh*
Suspicious. Does the Navy still press-gang? instagram.com/p/OjVRoTpC6f/ #bristol #TANSTAAFP
First Angelberry! instagr.am/p/OjRe0TpC4e/
@MsMottram @BlackDogDays Woo!
@MsMottram Certainly!
Cliftonwood, through The Hand. instagr.am/p/OjONBXJC3O/
Hydrogen store for Bristol’s trial hydrogen ferry. Not spotted it myself, yet… instagr.am/p/OjMvJ3JC2g/
@csoanes Fancy nipping into the RoboWorld Cup before or after lunch on Friday? fira-taros2012.org.uk/timetable/robo…
@chris_j_hughes @benjohnbarnes We had a bit of overnight rain here, hopefully that damped things down a bit. Not suffering yet, anyway…
@benjohnbarnes @chris_j_hughes Mine’s been better this year, definitely.
Aww, sweet. Getting to 5K can also lead to romance… thisisbristol.co.uk/ve-run-m-letti… @getrunningapp
@Bristol52 Oooh. I’d be up for some robolympics. When’s it on?
Bristol52 So the Robot Olympics are in #Bristol this week. Anyone heading down to At-Bristol for some hot robo action?
helytimes New to twitter? a blue checkmark next to someone’s name means they’ve killed a man.
@chris_j_hughes At some point after uni, I morphed into a natural early riser. Odd.
Oooof. A little tired and wan this morning. Still. Washing up done, breakfast had, house guests waved off, and it’s not quite eight…