Thing I made today: iPod speakers. They sound quite good.
@rhodri 10-month gap between sightings? Poor thing. Must’ve got on a Rail Replacement Bus on the way to Essex.
@Phooto @BradleyLaw If I tried anything that serious on an engine, it’d never run again. I can replace a water pipe, though :)
@BradleyLaw I’ve driven a reliable car for years, but I keep a couple of litres of water in the boot because I was trained by old bangers :)

@Dru_Marland @stillawake @Bristol52 Warning: this picture may be traumatising to dinosaur fans.
@stillawake @Bristol52 @Dru_Marland Someone sticks a Microsoft product up on a archery range at at geek stag do, it’s going to happen…
@stillawake @Bristol52 @Dru_Marland I once shot Barney with an arrow. True story.
@Bristolvor We might have been underneath you!
Mornin’, Twitter. I have a bit of a headache. I blame @rabidbee. Though actually, I think the Grain Barge might have been my suggestion…