@chubbybannister Though, with impartial head on, the food & coffee are lush… *shiftily collects bribe from owner*
I could get used to sawn-off bus travel. instagr.am/p/O_yNPXpC3q/
The top of Bristol. instagr.am/p/O_xDBOJC2_/
@chubbybannister Just late getting there! The service here is fab (but I would say that, of course; good friend works here :D )
@jesspants It’s nice in the future. Well, it is today, anyway…
Lunch at last. @ Workhouse Cafe instagr.am/p/O_l51JpCwS/
@weirdoldhattie I have a photo gig with the open-top buses at the mo ;)
FOOD. Heading into town on tour bus, assuming it turns up.
uliwitness MT @HanseNico: If Chuck Norris was really so great, he’d be behind me right now whacking my head into the key987yhuvhhg7iqwrt6fqfgvahsvbakb

I admit, this is a linguistically clever result for a search, but it was really not what I was looking for. #netflix pic.twitter.com/3rI5JHxh
Ah, Netflix UK. Or “The Search Engine of Disappointment”, as I’m coming to know it.