Bargin’ it.
@andybeebristol Pencilled :)
@andybeebristol …but Wednesday lunchtime might be a goer?
@andybeebristol Sounds like a plan. I have varying levels of freeness depending on the weather and the balloon fiesta :)

.@Mouse_House Goldney House, top of Constitution Hill. Not normally open to the public. “Amnestea” today ;)
@andybeebristol Ah! Wandering down to the “summer” party at all? Apart from the lack of summer, it’s quite nice.
So far I can heartily recommend the Amnestea at Goldney House ;)
Clues that one may be in Clifton Village, #315 @ Goldney House
@Souterain Right. On my way. I’ll be the one that looks like me, only damper. With a tripod ;-)
In BTP, wondering if the gap in the rain will be long enough to go have cake at Goldney Gardens’ summer party and check out the grotto.
@ShabbyBean It started raining the moment your tweet arrived. I expect a rumble of thunder for your next words of prophesy.
@ShabbyBean Arse. Also wanted to go along to the Goldney Gardens summer party. Hrm. *Looks at sky*. Yah. See what you mean.
@Mouse_House I find it very hard not to wallow around feeling sorry for myself when I’m ill. But getting out really does help, you’re right.
@Mouse_House Good attitude, Mouse.
@ShabbyBean Really? Arse. I need to fit in a run at some point today, and rain-dodging isn’t easy this weekend…
@Mouse_House Gawd, that looks nice. I’ve only ever had lunch there. You feeling less ill this morning, Mouse?
@Souterain Hopefully I’ll be there! Maybe I’ll bump into you in a grotto :D