Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

August 19th, 2012

Bit pished. I blame @MissEmmeline. And her sister. :)

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@theshinythings Arse. Sorry to hear that. Hope things only get better from this point.

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Off to t’Cottage.

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@thsutton Glad I’m not alone seeing that every now and again. I find quitting Safari and restarting it fixes it…

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rickygervais@maclean_brad: you think you are so cleaver”

I’m very cleaver. Knife of you to say so.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 2:13 PM, Aug 19th, 2012 via Echofon)

@BlackDogDays Really must get along there soon…

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libbymiller Back of Old Market all blocked off - incl one lane old market. Someone chucking stuff off a roof apparenty

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@CaffrinA Excellent! By the looks of it, I could’ve waved down from the bridge at you at the end of my morning run…

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@stevenchapple @archidave Yup. Love the ziggyzaggy Hotwells furniture :D

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@Cookwitch Yes, that would be superneologistic!

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@KaveyF You appear to have been reduced to vowel-only operation, is all…

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This was my morning jog, if you’re interested. With a breather stop and some photo stops :)…

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@KaveyF Are you sure those were the only drugs you took?

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@andybeebristol Ships that pass in the… er. Morning.

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It was a bit humid out there for running 10K. Did it anyway. So there, humidity.

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@andybeebristol Oh! Sorry, did I run straight past? Last-kilometre focus!

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@BlackDogDays Went straight through. High tide with both gates open, and I heard bridge swing alarm, too…

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You can’t see it in the pic, but I am actually steaming. Rest time at jog halfway point @ Leigh Woods Bench

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@AndyCarolan No, it’s the “framing” by the chest and shoulder straps that’s causing the issue.

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Hrm. This hydration backpack really emphasises my moobs.

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IamArg I could watch alan rickman do anything in slow motion……

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 8:37 AM, Aug 19th, 2012 via Echofon)