Flaked almond substitute it will be.
Thank you for all your slivered almond help, folks. And also the silvered almond help. Sadly I did not have time for exhaustive search.
@Thehappyfatgirl There are some really sweet ones in there :)
@chubbybannister Not sure. Worf is convinced it’s a Romulan plot, but Jessica Fletcher has a theory involving the Ferengi and a replicator.
@chubbybannister It’s the ensign in the red top, right?
@csoanes Bristol tip for tomorrow: dress for rain.
Is there a way of copying text from Facebook message on iOS? (Safari or native app) Trying to get recipe out and now I want to kill someone.
Capsize precautions. instagr.am/p/OraPq0JC6Z/
Looking back. instagr.am/p/OrZhmzJC57/

Someone stole the BRI! pic.twitter.com/2DvIBSnD
Shoot instagr.am/p/OrMkUlpCwF/
About to take advantage of Happy Hour :) @ Las Iguanas instagr.am/p/OrMVYwJC__/
I expect the third, even more desperate sign will arrive soon. instagr.am/p/OrMMPApC_8/
@DrHairbear That was my first thought, but apparently slivered almonds are also A Thing.
@stillawake Good thought. I might head into town “via” Arch House.
@guriben Oooh, maybe… Shame I didn’t know I needed them earlier on this week; I hang out with an Eastonite quite frequently!
@DrHairbear Oh! Do they do ingredients, too? I buy virtually all my kitchen equipment there…
Ordering a few bits & pieces from @oomlout. Have a silly Arduino idea I want to try out…
MT @StNicksTraders: We’ve got a bit behind with posting photos of the scarecrows… fb.me/swOjE09W <— Go @SourdoughCafe scarecrow!
Hrm. Where would I get slivered almonds in Bristol, then?
ZOMG! The face of an angel just appeared in an apple I was eating. instagr.am/p/OqtC_pJCyg/
@csoanes Sorted.
@BlackDogDays No worries.
@csoanes Ah, shame :) Meet somewhere central on your way back to the station, then? No. 1 Harbourside? no1harbourside.co.uk