@Souterain Ah. Too late for this discount voucher, then. Sorry!
Wainbo! instagr.am/p/N1gDYLJC8W/
Was there someone in my stream the other day thinking about buying a Kindle? In the UK?
@Adamy323 I needed it…
@tsunimee I did. Cleaner is now cleaning.
@waiyeehong @hollowlegs Random observation: there should be a search engine specifically for pictures of dogs: Doogle.
@tsunimee This is a very British phenomenon.
Just spent ten minutes cleaning up before the cleaner arrives. #becomingyourmiddleclassparents
@stillawake @KaveyF My work here is done :D
Yodel picking up a parcel from me. In the “where will you leave it” box, *so* tempted to put “will drive past depot & throw over wall.”
Right. Bit more work on retina website graphics this morning, then…
@r0bb1eh Check out a newborn human baby. The widest part is the head. Why do adults look different? Those damn clothes! Deforming monsters.
@BlackDogDays @hayles I find that striding confidently across the road while not obviously looking either way works well there. (Seriously.)
@Phooto Well, I like coffee, but if I drink non-decaf in the afternoon/evening, I have real problems getting to sleep.
Ugh. Bad night’s sleep. Know which jar I’m reaching for this morning. instagr.am/p/N0KVSjJCxW/