Goldney Garden Party 2012 | Amnesty International UK… via @AmnestyUK
@Mouse_House I figured you wouldn’t have gone out again. Well done on the bike ride. I only made it as far as Easton this week!
@Mouse_House Oh yes.
@Mouse_House It really, really is.
@chris_j_hughes Or even keeping up with reading it, yeah. When it gets too big, it’s just a flood, really.
@chris_j_hughes Possibly. Though I guess hashtags evolved for group conversation, to some degree.
My main watch and my cheap spare are both working again good as new. Recommended: In-Time watch repairs, in Debenhams #Bristol (Ta, Nathan!)
@chris_j_hughes Really? I have conversations all the time…
@chris_j_hughes Well, if you want to disagree that much, follow them and wait for the next thing along you don’t like :D
@chris_j_hughes Well, a retweet doesn’t necessarily mean that the retweeter agrees with what was said, so I’d go for the original.
B247Martin Dear Twitter. Does anybody know what the building that is now Mud Dock Deli on Cumberland Rd, former Real Olive Co HQ, originally built as?
EmmaRitch Yes, I can see how the BBC must have struggled to find any appropriate women for the Sports Personality of the Year shortlist. #London2012
mousedogbaby RT @raubrey: 25 cats who have found the perfect place to sit. The cat between cushion is pure class.… (For @EmmaLaCake)

Seeing a MEGAPIXEL brag on this old RAZR reminds me of old cars that have FUEL INJECTION on the back in swanky letters.
So far, I have had a very chilled day off. Which is just as well, as I was knackered.
And another one :) Lucy’s flower scarecrow.
Fab scarecrow! @ Sourdough Cafe
Bristol Debenhams. Because *obviously* the tills should always be on the exact opposite of the way out.
kentonallen “@mrchrisaddison: Glorious! RT @andrewducker: OH MY GOD. I JUST WITNESSED THE SINGLE GREATEST MOMENT IN HUMAN HISTORY.”
I could wipe the floor with you, kid.
Right. Wandering up to Clifton Village to do chores.
@hayles To be fair, I don’t have much use for the actual iron.
@Mouse_House Thank you, Mouse.
@hayles No. I do not.
@Mouse_House I shall bear that thought in mind. Hopefully it’ll help me get through the next few days…
@Mouse_House I know what you mean. I’ve got about the same to go after I hit mine.
@Mouse_House Well done, Mouse. I have 5lbs to go. Hopefully this month I can shift it…
Enjoying some brutal honesty:…
@liveindetail @stillawake @r0bb1eh Yes, please do. I need to jog this morning and I’m still having my morning coffee, so 10am’s too soon.