sixthformpoet An e-mail confirming you’ve unsubscribed from a mailing list is a fun way of saying you’re not having the last word in THIS argument, pal.
@bexxi I also loved both of those, but plenty of other things came along, too.
@BinaryBad If it’s more than ten mins, and you don’t want to buy Piezo, could probably hack something together with
@BinaryBad If it’s shorter than ten minutes, both Piezo and Audio Hijack Pro from Rogue Amoeba have trial versions that’ll do it.
@Thehappyfatgirl Should we call an ambulance?
@malvernrunner …without buying yet *another* box.
@malvernrunner Amazon adding streaming to my Prime sub is a bit “meh” as I can’t see the streaming stuff on my actual telly…
@malvernrunner I have Netflix, but LoveFilm by post has far better selection of stuff, so use that to augment it.
@R2UK Ta! Never used the LoveFilm streaming ‘cos I can’t watch on actual telly. Have Netflix but augment with LF postal for selection.
Where the feck did @LOVEFiLM_UK and their website go? Just seems to be an advert for @AmazonVideoUK. Which I don’t want.

drewb Ouch! PR nightmare. RT @BuzzFeedUK If you Google PC World right now you’ll see this
@CPPUK Aha, thanks for the quick reply. Sorted. (Am I being particularly blind today, or is that not actually stated anywhere on the form?)
@CPPUK Quick question: on your (paper) Update Form there’s a column under the “Any new cards…” section headed “Y”. What’s that for? Ta.
caitlinmoran In other news, the greatest male feminist on the planet has been found (via @heawood). SANITARY TOWEL KING:…
dhh Flexcoin, “the bitcoin bank”, was robbed and is shutting down:

johnC_bristol Hit a bit of surface water on the way to work yesterday…
Thx to @gothick for the pic!…