Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 5th, 2014

petapixel Rapatronic Camera - An atomic blast shot at 1/100,000,0000th of a second:

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 10:05 PM, Mar 5th, 2014 via Echofon)

Nice light tonight, Bristol. Well done.

via Echofon

Practising the ancient martial art of to-fu.

via Instagram

@ratsass Mine were not stupidly expensive, at least. Also very grateful that I can walk to the local branch and try lots on; they’re good.

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@ratsass Meindl. Not tried them before. My choice is limited by having stupidly wide feet.

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I bought German walking shoes from a South African in Taunton Leisure in Bristol. I already feel well-traveled.

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Okay. Might be time to head home. Though @BaristasBristol tables are a great height for a standing desk.

via Echofon

First commit message of day: “Add PUT route to v2.1 API”. Last commit message of day: “OH I DON’T FECKING REMEMBER WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME”

via Echofon

HartsBakery Anyone in Bristol got a commercial toastie/panini machine for sale or just spare for a few days while we repair/replace ours? Pls rt

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 5:26 PM, Mar 5th, 2014 via Echofon)

Couldn’t happen to a nicer person

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@mikedunn I have a vague feeling I might actually have been in that one.

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@ThreeUKSupport Here, can you see this picture? Does it help explain?

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@ThreeUKSupport That was a screen shot of an error message that’s been on my My3 account pages on the website for some years.

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All right. I appear to have written an API. Not that it does much yet. But I’ve got one.

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@ahnlak @Kavey They didn’t believe me when I said I needed an Oculus Rift to increase my hand/eye coordination.

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@ahnlak @Kavey Finally, a use for Blackberry!

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@Kavey Do you have any games that use an old-style Playstation controller? Sure that would be great thumb exercise :D

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@csoanes Ah! Sorry, got to be a no, I’m afraid :(

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@johnfbraun Ouyay eanmay “RNGAY”, ightray?

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@ThreeUKSupport It says, “Sorry, there’s been a problem. We know about it and are working hard to fix it.”

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@Souterain And it’s all done with electrickery!

via Tweetbot for iOS

Wow, a coffee shop called “Caffe Espresso”. It’s like someone poured generic into a retail unit.

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Rolling my own TLS encryption layer replacement. The NSA won’t know pig latin, right?

via Echofon

@ThreeUK This message has been on my account for years (literally.) Working hard, are you?

via Echofon

@Malarkey First, try a reboot. Some app might have got its knickers in a twist, and that often does some untwisting.

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Dentist time.

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@anna_debenham Those are surely both just input to a third design.

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@johnfbraun I’d start doing that, but there’s not enough room in this flat for me *and* a guy from the NSA.

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@ChristinaMcMc Don’t let it back into their yard until you’ve got video set up for the next time.

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ChristinaMcMc Next door neighbours have a trampoline in their back garden. Which means I’ve just seen a dog bounce onto a wall and then into my yard.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 10:37 AM, Mar 5th, 2014 via Echofon)

@garycasamojo @Nose_in_a_book Yur. “Deep pan sausage pancake”, that’s what you had.

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dangillmor I updated my Ubuntu OS this morning; here’s why:… Huge TLS security hole.

via Hootsuite (retweeted on 8:06 AM, Mar 5th, 2014 via Echofon)

Maybe I should lower the priority of “add SSL support” on my latest project until we’re all sure that SSL actually works properly *anywhere*

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@512px @ismh I still use the original iPod adapter in my Mini! Had it fitted in 2005 and it even works with third-party podcast apps now :)

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