@Kavey It’s very nice, and I found it here: missigs.com/2012/01/chickp…
miss igs: Chickpea, Butternut Squash & Lemongrass Curry

In the wake of @Kavey’s survey, tonight I’ve made curry completely from scratch :) pic.twitter.com/KAkgFKYtLS
Kavey Survey on Ready Meals vs. Home Cooking kaveyeats.com/2014/03/a-litt… feat. @misswhiplash @FussFreeHelen @Cookwitch @foodurchin @gothick
@benjohnbarnes I used JodaTime’s LocalDate for Get Running for Android. Hurrah for a class that stores dates without times!
shuckle Original cast Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy on Radio 4 right now. Go iPlayer it.
Please make sure this leads to as much mayhem and chaos in your company as the job that runs twice on the last Sunday in October.
UK sysadmins: remember that tomorrow, the last Sunday in March, is the traditional time for your 1:30am cron job to be accidentally skipped.
@guriben Gah! I hadn’t realised. Oh well, my bodyclock’s already been fucked by booze and stuff this week anyway.
@charlie_cat_esq Your mother is entirely made of WIN.
@betty_watson A perfect time to practise your “silent, yet all-knowing” look.
@chubbybannister Emm did observe that I probably shouldn’t look for office space in Temple Studios if I wanted to keep up my diet.
Ironically, these days Pavlov would be too distracted by dinging noises from his smartphone to plan his research.
@guriben No probs.
rsg Politicians: using “cyber-attack”, and “cyber-warfare” in sentences doesn’t make you sound smart. It makes you sound like Grandpa Simpson.
@guriben Yo. We should probably formulate Some Kind of Plan for lending you t’50mm. Will you be anywhere near St Nick’s market this morning?