Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 31st, 2009

Just *FLASH* bought my *FLASH* first *FLASH* flashgun. *FLASH* Goodness knows what *FLASH* the neighbours think I’m *FLASH* up to *FLASH*

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Week two, run two all done. Now for a quick shower, and to dig into some of that nice French food I bought :)

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Walked through French market on way to ferry. Bought enough sausage and cheese to keep one of Napoleon’s columns marching for a few days ;)

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And… here comes the rain. 9pm my arse@Lovelybuttonsns!

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Apple have rep for UI design. I have degree in Computer Science. Every morning, I try to plug dock connector into the wrong end of my iPhone

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