Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 5th, 2009

Gawd, is the final still going? They’ll need the court for Wimbledon 2010 soon…

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Rather lovely video (via unpluggd): How We Wish Email Was Actually Delivered

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Any of you already know @benjohnbarnes? If so, he just joined Twitter. If not, follow him anyway: all round nice person and iPhone developer

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@hayles …as it always annoys me by playing three YouTube videos at once even if two of them are in background tabs. Ho hum.

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@hayles Ahh. For that specific case, I use the Connected Flow Flickr plugin for iPhoto. Odd that it didn’t work in the background, though…

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@hayles What changed your mind? I know I probably _should_, but the few Firefox extensions I’ve played with haven’t tempted me away yet…

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@njj4 Did you watch Mitchell & Webb the other night? Only the Ninth was featured in the Die Hard sketch, of course…

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Playing with Cufon image replacement.

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@benjohnbarnes You probably can :) Also, get a client. Twitterfon or Tweetie for iPhone, Twitterrific or Tweetie for Mac, maybe.

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