@_pigeons_ Sorry! Went before you replied. Probably won’t be long before the next trip, mind. (PS: Did you spot thi..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…sv
@shezza_t Been gently annoying me for years, though.
@Kavey Twenty four hours.

“Fit a couple of curtains,” I thought. “That’ll be done in a morning,” I thought. Still, finished now. pic.twitter.com/7l5AZUxHI3
@YvetteMorey I’m not in the red; it’s more of a tasteful dusky maroon.
@YvetteMorey *Slides into bankruptcy*
@_pigeons_ (Besides, would *you* do anything voluntarily that put you in a category with Jeremy Clarkson?) PS: Want anything from IKEA?
@_pigeons_ Gosh no. Too many people out there who are far more into cars and would enjoy it more than I would.
@saltwateritch Hey, there’s plenty of messier bits. But I accidentally watched one of those “house doctor” things t..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…Xt
@guriben *Cries*
(Though I’m about to make my third trip to IKEA. Christ.)

Basic tidying strategy #7: Pay No Attention to the Mess Behind the Curtain. pic.twitter.com/HwuhjjRXAH