(I don’t believe for one second it *should* actually need 50GB+ to do the upgrade. Or that it should take as many attempts as it did just to download the installer. Unless you’re desperate, I’d wait for #Catalina 10.15.1…)

Oh, hooo-fucking-ra. Five hours and five attempts, including a restore from Time Machine to start again, and I’m finally running #macOS #Catalina. My main problem seemed to be that it needed more than the 50GB I had available to install. Having 90GB free worked. pic.twitter.com/siTwvEP0RI
@AthanSpod I think I will bail. It’s like the writers had never actually seen a group of human beings in a room together.
@AthanSpod Cool, will add it to my list. (Sub works fine for me as I’ll take any extra motivation not to get distracted by my phone when I should be watching ;))
I mean, at least the Golgafrinchans *had* an “A” ark.
Is there some amazing plot twist in Another Life that retrospectively explains how we have the technology to build an interstellar space ship but not the intelligence to fill it with a crew that don’t look like rejects from season 8,254 of Big Brother?
DigitalLawyer Oooof. Was just subjected to the most credible phishing attempt I’ve experienced to date. Here were the steps:
1) “Hi, this is your bank. There was an attempt to use your card in Miami, Florida. Was this you?”
Me: no.

Okay, fifth time lucky? I may have lost count. pic.twitter.com/nPvvIGsGwF
@word_geek I have really stepped up my reading this year—30 books so far, which is a lot better than recent years—but I think I may still be buying them far faster than I’m reading them.
@hayles I did the betas for years (I was in the AppleSeed programme for a while before they did public betas) but I jumped off that bandwagon sometime around Lion.
@si3d I was going to, but this time it didn’t get as far as putting the macOS installer into the Applications folder. Last time I popped it “safely” to one side and then had to do a time machine restore over it to get the machine back!
I literally just sat there and watched it spend twenty minutes downloading 8GB of the #macOS #Catalina update package before it told me that the update package had been deleted.

WHAT FRESH HELL IS THIS #macOS #Catalina pic.twitter.com/crWN71FfpA
@word_geek It’s always a toughie. Been trying v. hard not to collect too many books these last couple of years, but it’s hard not to want the really good ones in physical form, especially if you discover a good series…
@KinetaHill Thanks. I am backed up six ways from Sunday, so this is more of an irritation than a potential disaster, at least…
@OpinionatedGeek @johngirvin I wondered what that high-pitched whining was.

petetoth “Both of my camels were requisitioned by the prefect so please take them off my account”
Statutory Off Road Notification from 1856 years ago - @BLMedieval Papyrus 328
#SORN #TaxReturns #TuesdayMorning in 163 AD pic.twitter.com/BH94fGroJj
@OpinionatedGeek @johngirvin Ain’t no Docker here. That’s only on the Big Mac…
So, have had to resort to a Time Machine restore just to break the cycle of reboot/auto-install/not-enough-space/reboot. And apparently 50GB is not enough free space to upgrade to #macOS #Catalina. Hrm.
@OpinionatedGeek This is, of course, the sacrificial Mac that runs ahead of my actual do-work-all-day machine to spot what problems I might encounter when I upgrade. *Usually* it feels a bit unnecessary…
@johngirvin @OpinionatedGeek Well indeed. Am going to delete as much cruft as I can find, take another Time Machine backup to be on the safe side, then take another run at it. But really, with 50GB+ free in the first place, I do wonder if there’s something more going on…
@OpinionatedGeek I have successfully restored from a Time Machine backup, to break the reboot-install-not-enough-space-reboot loop. I have 50 (count ‘em) GB free on this Mac. You’d have thought that would be enough for an OS upgrade… (It’s the minimum spec MacBook Pro, so only a 250GB drive)
@sql_williamd @MladenPrajdic Please, some of us are trying desperately not to find out.
daynamcalpine_ a girl in the coffee shop i’m working from has just said to her friend ‘imagine a hot veg smoothie’ and i’m wondering how to break it to her that soup exists

atimalui This is our @algoface 209 point Facial Landmark Tracker, and it actually works on my face! Face #AR notoriously has a #RacialBias and #GenderBias problem that means my face “cannot be detected” — not an issue here! #Inclusive #AR #AI #ComputerVision #Bias #FacialRecognition pic.twitter.com/7WvAoZpWZz