ashokklouda This is just crazy. @British_Airways just can’t seem to process cello check-ins. We’re probably going to miss our flight…. Here is our form of protest. @gabiswallow @petergregson pic.twitter.com/wuHD0ajbsD
@psidnell I went with homebrew just now because I know that with Bundler it can install non-open-source stuff including stuff from the Mac App Store from a list in a file, which might be a handy thing to start keeping lying around.
@psidnell I jumped ship from macports to homebrew some years ago because macports was winding me up for some long-forgotten reason, but I’ve not used either for ages until today. Mostly I use virtual machines.
Current status: installing homebrew so I can install emacs so that I can edit a role in chef. It’s configuration tools all the way down…
JamesStineJr Hey @AppleSupport - we love our emacs - saddened that its no longer in Mac OS Catalina - had to install from source. Would love to have it back or a work around that is repeatable! Signed EmacsLover