I am in awe of organisers/helpers/readers/panellists/hosts/etc. at cons. All I did at @BristolCon was listen to people and natter and buy books and two days later I’m still aching and trying to get my hydration levels and my voice back to normal.
ChuckWendig MONDAY. You’re a monstrous miracle, a gelatinous sack of humours sloshing around soft leather, a bulbous asymmetrical anomaly of blood and bone, a gibbering ghost trap of teeth and wrists and toes, a wet gassy ghast piloting a temporary flesh mech. HAVE A GREAT DAY, MOIST HELLION
@therobdale @markgurman Yup, me too. With the Echo I could dip my toe in the water for a very low cost and upgrade/add over time as I worked out that I liked the system, which is a great way into new tech.
HannahAlOthman Reminder: Tory conference was this month. This same month we are in now. The one that isn’t even over yet.