…and the preview video makes it look pretty fantastic: http://www.banksy.co.uk/…
Oh, so _that’s_ why the museum was closed the other day. It’s all Banksy’s fault: http://cli.gs/V0sUE2
RT @sween: My iPhone just auto-corrected “auto-correct” with “Now I’m just fucking with you”.
@mattgemmell Won’t we have to travel at 88 tweets per hour for that, though? #unclearontheconcept
@AndyCarolan Only one: Windows 7.
You have to walk through Queen Square quickly in the summer, lest you get high on secondary skunk smoke.
@simonashley Well, I wouldn’t fault you on the SQL Server. But…
Cake! Nomnomnom.
@brownstudies Yup. Was a good venue for her, too (the Cube, all seated & packed with attentive people.)
Gig last night was good (Diane Cluck & Mary Hampton, with support from some friends of mine.) But I didn’t sleep well afterwards. Ugh.