@nickcloke @JasonInNJ I’m not sure it’s relevant whether they get their money from subscription or advertising clicks…
@nickcloke @JasonInNJ …this stuff is still bloody hard to get right 100% of the time for years on end.
And there goes my electricity, _again_. Arse.
@nickcloke @JasonInNJ Last time there was a significant outage at fastmail, they added on extra subscription days to compensate, IIRC.
@nickcloke @JasonInNJ Indeed. And if you wanted to ensure absolute, 100% uptime, you’d be paying a lot more. Diminishing returns.
@nickcloke No, I’ve just looked after super-fault-tolerant servers (for the stock exchange) and have an idea how hard/expensive it is!
You know, it’s tough to buy a new UPS when your power keeps dying. Think I’ll have a (luckily non-electric) shower instead.
Hey, everyone in the world, would you mind just stopping what you’re doing for about three months, so I can catch up? Ta.
@talkie_tim I think I did, too. Luckily my alarm is exclusively battery-powered.
Aha. #fastmail SMTP seems to be back up.
@benjohnbarnes Other way around! I have about a month’s worth of stuff I want to produce for the world by next Monday…
@talkie_tim Instapaper is teh awesome of “read later” services. Can be configured to send its articles to Kindle at set intervals.
@talkie_tim Cool. Marco (Instapaper’s creator) is still looking into improvements for latest Kindles, as he just got his, FWIR :)
@lauzajane Surely you could get that done in a day? Slacker.
@OpinionatedGeek Yeesh. Elephant? Ever had to claim? I found them painfully unhelpful.
Hmm. Is there a way of telling @grazedotcom that I simply don’t like nuts, but I’m not allergic to them, I wonder?
@Hicksdesign You’ll need an obligatory sandwich quiz at lunchtimes, too :)
@bertpalmer They do know who you are. You’re on the passenger manifest. They compare all the records with the unidentified people.
@BudgetsAreSexy Isn’t the main difference that at the end of *one* of these processes, you own a house?
Three different services have barfed with password error messages today. It seems to be coincidence, but it’s worrying when that happens.
@RamonY1970 I’m having a restricted-calorie October. I think my unconscious rebelled when I went shopping earlier. *loosens belt*
@tsunimee Er. Not as far as I know. But I could be wrong. What do you think it means?
Hmm. Is fastmail dead?
@tsunimee Not in common use if it is. I only know “weft” as the line of yarn you’d throw from side to side across a loom when weaving.
@jtamboli Ta. At least I know I’m not alone. I’ll keep an eye on http://status.fastmail.f… then!
@tsunimee Oh, okay, then yeah, I guess it could be a technical term borrowed from weaving. But it’s not one that most people would know.
@JasonInNJ @jtamboli @robhoare To be fair to them, though, this is probably the first time in two years I’ve noticed fastmail go down.
@Markgatiss I read that tweet to myself in ROBERT PESTON’S VOICE! It was EXCITING!
@Jorence Oooh, it lives. *poke* Yup, it’s definitely ‘im.
@bananza You keep them under the shotgun? No wonder they have holes in the toes.
@Jorence Fatter, since my visit to Crete. And therefore about to enter a Month of Austerity *shivers*. ‘part from that, fine. :)
@ajblum @JasonInNJ @jtamboli @robhoare http://status.fastmail.f… now updated — they’re investigating.
@nixxbox Well, I was just saying this is the first downtime in years. Gmail’s been dead at least twice since the last fastmail outage I saw.
@ChazzMatt http://status.fastmail.f… <— They know :)
May I also say how unusual it is for a service to have a separate, working status page that gets promptly updated during downtime. #fastmail
@ajblum Nah, they just have to find the cleaner who unplugged the server rack to get the vacuum cleaner going and retrain him.
@libbymiller Oooooh.
@twitttles Damn. I thought you were winking at me.
@Jorence Sounds like some kind of rite.
@mhoulden I was just wondering that.
@tomboates Hah! You tweeted that just as I hit “send” on my error report email! Give me a second, I’ll try it again.
@tomboates Looking more promising… (Although the product description is clipped off at the bottom: http://bit.ly/9vh1cY )
@tomboates Yay! All good; money went through, and website says I’m signed up for the FitnessClass. Thanks!
@RyanRomeike Definitely not just you. #mobileme passwords acting odd for me, too.
Hmm. #mobileme suddenly started whining that I’ve entered the wrong password, even though I’ve not typed it in this week. Works on web.
@RyanRomeike You should tell them to search Twitter for “MobileMe password” and see whether they think _everyone’s_ telling fibs.
@RyanRomeike I just tried the same password three times in a row (copy/paste) and it worked the third time!
@djelibeybi_meg Happy birthday!
@indiaknight Well, it’s fantastic publicity. Any feeling that it’s being staged?
Trying to buy one of these new FitnessClass things from @Runkeeper, but it’s falling into a (cutely-designed) heap: http://bit.ly/cJwBu5
@arlinelyons I’ll put that on the “to-do” list. Gah!
@jonnaro I wondered when that would come along. Damn. That’s going to get obnoxious, isn’t it?
@jonnaro Sorry, you’re not allowed to reply to me until you type “@gothick is highly perceptive and handsome” three times.
@penelopeelse oh, bugger, have I missed it?
@penelopeelse Aha! I can record it on 4+1. *sets video*
Owwie. I haz just eated too much. *Flounders on sofa*
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy *birthday* dear @KaveyF
Happy birthday to you!
Mmm. Toast and loganberry jam. #brekkers
@GreatDismal It’s the UK keyboard layout. An oddity programmers and Twitter users bump up against quite quickly after they buy a Mac. #hash
Doing some typesetting for a rapper. I’m going to drop a cap in his pars.
@bertpalmer The police trace your dentist — ask someone, search your paperwork, call the local dentists, whatever.
@bertpalmer Then all the records are sent to the forensic team who are trying to figure out who’s who.
RT @talkie_tim: “dental records” are small pieces of microfiche that dentists hide in your teeth. NI number, DOB, Credit card etc. #TrueFact
@kredits Naff off, spamface.
@talkie_tim “Dear Tim — BOO!” was my first guess.
@justinsane98 Did that, and it was a bit rubbish. I think not being in US limits the content rather. And found pausing & volume troublesome.
@justinsane98 Might depend on the source. I found some video I couldn’t pause and later resume from same place.
@justinsane98 I also found some where the video volume was fixed, but the remote wouldn’t let me change system vol instead. Annoying!
@parryphernalia Walk to a masseuse! Worked great for me after the half :)
@grazedotcom Fabulous! Ta!
@nyssapod Fab, isn’t it? I take photos of business cards so a couple of months down the line I can search for “carpenter” and the like.
@parryphernalia I’m not really qualified to advise. Not tried enough things after long runs to know what works.
@roundonefight I thought they were mythical?
Queues in Sainsbury’s/
Cars older than their drivers/
The students return
@hayles *giggle*
DrSamuelJohnson This new Twitter does take the Form of a Dash’d-Board; seemingly a cartographick Compendium of aquamarine-tinted FOLLY
@tsunimee Except the banana has tons of stuff in it that’s good for you, and is less likely to dump you into a post-sugar slump.
Right. Off for a jog.