Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 1st, 2010

@tangleofwires Cool. Warning: it can seem odd at first, and you may get worse before you get better. But I found it worthwhile long-term.

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So nice to see the Bristol Evening Post putting animated banner ads in the middle of the story about the vicious assualt in Bedminster.

via Echofon

Playin’ gee-tar.

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While I very much like @alfredapp, I think it’s never going to learn that when I say “mail”, I’d like, not

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Heh. The @Runkeeper fitness class I just signed up to has me planned for a 20km run on Boxing Day. This seems unlikely :)

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@nickcloke Thanks! Yes, Twitter seems to be a good haunt for insomniacs :)

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@bertpalmer Maybe you should try to combine the two. Practice in front of a mirror: “Are you looking at I?”

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@penelopeelse Wow. All it needs is a train entering a tunnel.

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@hayles Gah, has is? I already started using Simplenote to edit and then pasting into Wordpress app just to post because it was so crashy.

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Right. Off t’work in t’rain.

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Oooh, interesting idea for managing expectations: @photomatt has added email load stats to his “contact” page —

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@hayles I’ve been having nothing but password problems this week. I’m not even going to try Wordpress, then…

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@hayles I lied. I couldn’t resist. And yes, all three blogs broken with user/password errors.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to hayles

I love shopping in Kin Yip Hon. So many things where I have no idea what they are. Plus oddly purple vegetables.

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avflox A single sperm has 37.5MB of DNA information in it. That means a normal ejaculation represents a data transfer of 1,587.5TB.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:00 AM, Oct 1st, 2010 via Twitter for iPhone)

.@avflox @chrisphin And my first thought? “Yeah, and my latency is really low, too…”

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@paulahillier It’s the Chinese supermarket next to Dynasty. Salted plum, dear? *offers bag*

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Today’s weather callously murders umbrellas, turns paving stones into stealth squirt traps and makes average drivers into complete morons.

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@talkie_tim @avflox It makes you wonder why you would unzip before… Actually, I should probably stop now.

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Having username/password errors after updating to latest iPhone app? Deleting & re-adding blog details worked for @haylesyles)

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I read that last tweet twice before I sent it and still missed the crucial fact it was about WordPress. Is it the weekend yet? Need sleep.

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@theRamenNoodle This is why I prefer re-tweets. Show, not tell. ;)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to theDanielJLewis

@hayles Indeed. Annoying. Still, the thing’s free. And Marsedit for iPhone sadly doesn’t seem to have arrived yet :(

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@hayles Someone mentioned it earlier, but I can’t remember who. Sounds truly horrific.

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@hayles Hmm. Have seen that around a lot in older electronics books. Guess it’s just got shorter over time. Was it an older person?

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