@katylouiseg I think it’s just after the Easter eggs go on sale, isn’t it? November 5th? #confused
@kshack22 Okey-dokey. Will change my planned track and go run through Leigh Woods :)
Our forests, right, do *not* need to be “energised”. http://tiny.cc/1uhqz
BenMyers1 Tories to sell off UK woodlands to pave the way for more Center Parcs, golf courses etc.This absolutely canot happen: http://tiny.cc/1uhqz
@LoveMindfulness Avoid them for a decade until it’s too late, then regret it. Sorry, I know that’s not helpful, but you asked…
@mrchrisaddison Build heavier submarines? Clearly ours don’t sink well enough.
@MediaBen @alexjbutcher @davehodg Ta!
@matthew_roach Yur. Can be a bit minefieldy, though. I gave up on the FP3 because it was crud, even though the FP8 was excellent. Odd.
Can someone name me one or two good £200ish compact cameras? Friend wants to take one on her world trip…