Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 8th, 2010

@hayles I don’t any more, but it’s fscking expensive to buy decent ones with volume & control buttons. Especially as Apple ones die easily.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to hayles

@DrHairbear Really? Was it stylish enough to be worth me going and finding it?

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@archidave @DrHairbear I still don’t know who we’re talking about!

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@DrHairbear @archidave I guess he flounced after I wandered off. Don’t think we’ve ever spoken, so it’s unlikely to be my fault.

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@DrHairbear @archidave Can’t see anything in the thread from him. Deleted?

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@DrHairbear @archidave Hmm. Any mention of religion, politics or dress sense?

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@talkie_tim @DrHairbear @archive Hey, I never met him! Clearly if I’d got there earlier, he’d have stayed.

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@talkie_tim @DrHairbear @archive It does sound bloody odd though. I feel quite insulted on the group’s behalf.

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@watsoncomedian It’s really not that relevant. Just budget for a new battery every 2-3 years and use it however’s most convenient.

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@Lillput Oh, so definitely before I turned up, then?

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@Lillput Well, that’s good to know, anyway. Started to think they’d seen me arrive and run before I noticed them for some reason.

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@NiallOswald Hmm. I don’t believe I’ve ever drunk at a Flickr meet. Does that make me the exception that proves the rule?

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@hayles There’s like two brands apart from Apple that do the proper iPhone remote and they’re hard to find in the UK :(

via Echofon in reply to hayles

Kavey Hmmm. Anyone with a talent for graphic design want to give me some starting help in exchange for home made Indian chilli/ lemon pickles?

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 1:00 AM, Oct 8th, 2010 via Twitter for iPhone)

@fablor They flee from the writerly energy that courses through them like lightning if they’re discovered.

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@SpikyZebra I believe you have to be quite exceptional for the two not to be mutually-exclusive.

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@SpikyZebra Yes, but sadly they’d test by giving you a tastectomy and seeing if you developed money.

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@Jorence *applause* Go for a walk in the morning, mind, even if you don’t fell like you want to move.

via Twitter for iPhone

Bleurgh. I dink I may be gedding a code.

via Echofon