@CasJam Oooh. Away from the Mac at the mo. Erm. Alt+Return?
@jacrats I suspect a conspiracy by tailors brought up on Carry On films. Suggest you never buy a bra from same shop.
@jbrownridge I missed the signs when the water people dug up my road. Found my car re-parked neatly just around the corner!
@benjohnbarnes They did that for the dialogue in the last episode of _Twin Peaks_, from what I remember…
@DrHairbear @archidave “Goodness. That was the _last_ place one expected to see a carbuncle.”
Heading to work. http://yfrog.com/hq7xdnj
@Stephanie_Gunn You can borrow mine if you want. I don’t appear to be using it this month.
@paulahillier Happy birthday, you!
@RellyAB Hear-bloody-hear. Which is why I found the 3G Kindle a refreshing change, annoying though the browsing experience is.
@majicDave What more do you need? :)
@hayles I don’t know. It’s as if a million voices were suddenly silenced… For about 17 minutes. Odd. #twiccup
So far today I’ve had six identical marketing emails about the new Apple TV. Bloody repeats.
I sense a disturbance in the tworce.
So far today I’ve had six identical marketing emails about the new Apple TV. Bloody repeats.
@floyduk They’ve Bern sending me a PAYE pack for six years now. *sigh*
@Ihnatko Also, the Apple TV probably won’t go through your sock drawer while you’re out.