Going Outside. The fresh air will probably be kill-or-cure. Hopefully will make it as far as BTP.
Stokes Croft last night: http://flic.kr/p/8MeMiT
@BlackDogDays I drank several pints of beer for the first time in about four years last night. It seemed like a good idea at the time…
@BlackDogDays As it is, I think I should have probably re-introduced myself to drinking too much a bit more gently. More coffee needed now.
@BlackDogDays I’ve always been a lightweight, but yeah, the hangovers just go on longer as I get older, it seems. Ah well.
whalemonster New Scientist: subverting augmented reality to mask corporate logos and advertising. http://www.newscientist….
@KaveyF Hopefully on the mend, then! Good.
@shezza_t That the dye works perfectly for that load of washing. And the next one.
Hmm. I might go have lunch while it’s still lunchtime.
Bleh. Morning all. I ate and drank too much last night. You?
@KaveyF Pic!
Dear Every Technology Company On The Planet,
I really only want _Twitter_ to look like Twitter. Cut it out, okay?
Love, Me.
@SpikyZebra It was, however, particularly lovely. As pickled eggs go.
@MitchBenn Ugh. I call it an hour later even than that.
@bananza Have you been reading Pinter again?
@rhodri Yeh.
@stillawake Nah. We’re definitely asleep.
I’d better stop taking photos. Currently, I’m scheduled to spend my entire retirement processing the backlog.