Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 23rd, 2010

Going Outside. The fresh air will probably be kill-or-cure. Hopefully will make it as far as BTP.

via Twitter for iPhone

@BlackDogDays I drank several pints of beer for the first time in about four years last night. It seemed like a good idea at the time…

via Echofon

@BlackDogDays As it is, I think I should have probably re-introduced myself to drinking too much a bit more gently. More coffee needed now.

via Echofon

@BlackDogDays I’ve always been a lightweight, but yeah, the hangovers just go on longer as I get older, it seems. Ah well.

via Echofon

whalemonster New Scientist: subverting augmented reality to mask corporate logos and advertising. http://www.newscientist….

via Seesmic (retweeted on 1:00 AM, Oct 23rd, 2010 via Echofon)

@KaveyF Hopefully on the mend, then! Good.

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

@shezza_t That the dye works perfectly for that load of washing. And the next one.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to shezza_t

Hmm. I might go have lunch while it’s still lunchtime.

via Echofon

Bleh. Morning all. I ate and drank too much last night. You?

via Echofon

Dear Every Technology Company On The Planet,

I really only want _Twitter_ to look like Twitter. Cut it out, okay?

Love, Me.

via Echofon

@SpikyZebra It was, however, particularly lovely. As pickled eggs go.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to SpikyZebra

@MitchBenn Ugh. I call it an hour later even than that.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to MitchBenn

@bananza Have you been reading Pinter again?

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to bananza

I’d better stop taking photos. Currently, I’m scheduled to spend my entire retirement processing the backlog.

via Echofon