@rabidbee @SpikyZebra But that’s okay, because you’ve got a moat.
@chrisphin Goodness. You’d think if he was going for that look, he could’ve afforded to have a gold pager on a chain, which would be cool.
Morning all. Starting the day with a snap from last night, on College Green: http://bit.ly/bpkUxP
Review: my first month with the Kindle 3. Sorry it’s so long; I didn’t have time to make it shorter… http://bit.ly/kin3mg
@thomasvenables My pleasure :) It may well be worth the extra for the 3G, you know. It was bloody nice on holiday.
@RamonY1970 @stillawake Ta!
@talkie_tim Good good. Get one for me while you’re there.
Hurrah! Yesterday’s Graze box has arrived.
@Lord_Sugar Aah, a return to the good old days of peer-of-the-realm behaviour! :)
@shezza_t My plan is generally to gradually consume the box over the course of four days, so hopefully none of it’s *that* time-critical!
@EyOki It’s not desperately exciting. I just started getting them on Mondays to give me something to look forward to. Good branding, though.
@EyOki …and they are very tasty.
@EyOki I don’t like most nuts, but they make it quite easy to exclude stuff. We’ll see how things go; this is only my second box.
@talkie_tim Just what I wanted! Spooky!
mrchrisaddison I am trapped under a massive pile of newsprint about the Chilean Mine rescue. Send a drill.
@hayles Lightbox Plus. Then make a smaller image links to the bigger image, and it’ll detect and wrap it in shiny automatically.
@hayles “Lightbox” is good search term to find others. There are several.
@rabidbee @SpikyZebra Well, start early enough and at least you can get there on ferry. Buy a dinghy? :)
@rabidbee @SpikyZebra Bit of a dry stretch there. Is the Hope & Anchor any good?
Now they’ve spent all this money on a pulley capsule system and they’re going to have an empty mine, are they taking nominations?
@zeldman Is IE6 dead yet?
@archidave Just reply in Helvetica Neue. Only you will get the joke, but you should feel better afterwards.
@archidave Related: I really should make that shirt. http://bit.ly/cadS2L
aedison Making banana bread. Not hungry, just want to taunt this monkey I found that’s allergic to wheat.
RT @matthew_roach: Just uploaded 1 new photo, Portrait of a Chemist - Declan Fleming…: http://bit.ly/bArq4W <— Oooooh!
@matthew_roach Good good. Just buy me a drink, okay, then at least I’ll have made something out it…
Halfway through @GreatDismal’s _Zero History_. Seems an espionage novel minus the espionage argot, with spies who don’t know they’re spies.