*Files @stillawake under “tech ninja”*
17 years ago, I was reading @GreatDismal’s Count Zero, and chose “gothick” as a login name for a Unix system. I’ve been using it ever since.
@lucyreddd Yeah. I liked it when you could accuse someone of being “the speedbump”.
@lucyreddd As in, “British Telecom is the speedbump on the information superhighway”.
@crookedfootball Guess away; mine are randomly generated :)
Privacy. http://yfrog.com/jdj17jj
@Dru_Marland If I had the spare cash I’d get one just the same made up, with “no laughing” added and substitute it.
TheDollSays Eating porridge at my desk. Boss leans in and says ‘Is that breakfast?’ No, it’s a pastiche of the Suez fuel crisis in oats and milk.
jbrownridge PLEASE don’t put an encrypted file on your enemy’s computer and tell the police he’s a paedo. If he can’t decrypt he goes to jail.
@iamdanw Oops. Still, quite impressed that I could decode that straight from your photo!
caitlinmoran I like to imagine the man who invented PIng & the man who invented Google Wave, sitting in a bar together, stabbing pictures of Steve Jobs.
@hayles Well, “I need a place for miscellaneous crap that doesn’t fit anywhere else” is why I started mine :)
@parryphernalia Go for it! @hayles was only complaining about the stereotype this morning. Do your bit to confound societal expectations!
@globalmoxie Pretty sure it was a US bank I first heard about doing that, last year sometime. USAA, maybe?
Still walking home. Watching #apprentice through Twitter. Consensus: boys’ team leader is annoying prat.
Oh, okay, so maybe it’s _not_ getting earlier every year. http://www.google.com/tr…
Hearing rumours that Dolce Vita on Victoria Street has shut — anyone know? #Bristol
wshed Tonight’s William Gibson #foigibson event is definitely delayed due to an incident on the train Gibson is travelling on - apologies.
Installing myself at @wshed to await delayed @GreatDismal. I’ll be the one reading with a Kindle in the corner of raised seating! #foigibson
.@benparkatbjs No. Though it was fun at the ticket office: “Which event?” “William Gibson.” “And your surname?” “Gibson.” “Oh!”
@wshed No worries! Gave me time to sample the rather awesome risotto! :)
@matthew_roach @Its_Supergirl I blame Nick Clegg.
@Joethepublicist @GreatDismal Relax! This is by no means a bad place to wait :) http://yfrog.com/n5opbmj
@hayles This may be one of the more subtle advantages of the Kindle.
Heh. I now have a Kindle signed by William Gibson :) http://yfrog.com/74fx8yj
@indiaknight You could be describing any episode of any of the series I’ve seen…
@hayles Yeah, but I didn’t mention it was just a sample chapter ;). Sorry, Bill, _will_ buy it, honest!