@hannahnicklin Yur, though my R4 usage tends to be “have it on in all three rooms as I wander between them”. I fear change :)
Anyway. An extra hour! Yay! Which I will now waste changing all my clocks.
“I is all you need for 20p”? Are the Indie doing Bristol-specific advertising now?
@EyOki Presumably they’re preparing for Noël. #imhereallweekfolks #trytheveal
@ahnlak I think you must replace your electronics more often than me. It’s just the ‘puters and the PVR round here.
Morning all. I have had my morning coffee, and I now look like this: http://flic.kr/p/8PnHBZ . Maybe I shouldn’t have another one yet.
@quiquise She does! Both sets!
hannahnicklin Ah, Radio 7, for those times when religion is on Radio 4.
@hannahnicklin Sadly, I can on only get FM stations (the BBC’s DAB transmission strength sucks in Bristol. I can get LBC, but not Radio 7!)
@callumchapman Yes.
@Jorence No, no nano for me this year. Insufficient ideas and insufficient time this particular month. Good luck! Will cheerlead :)
@hannahnicklin Will try Radiobox, though; often want to listen to R4 when travelling. Hate bloody hotels where it’s done through the telly.
New law: If you have to print more than 5 retractions in a month, you lose the privilege of calling yourself a “newspaper” for next month.
Still slightly deaf in left ear after watching ILU AXE samba band at St Werburghs last night. Feels quite unbalancing.
@stillawake @Jorence I thought the food was fab, but was less impressed in the last year before it closed.
@EyOki All the better to stare quite scarily at you with…
Well, that was one of the more error-prone and complex coffee bean purchases I’ve made.
@hayles So do the rather lovely @extractcoffee people who I was nattering to at party last night :) Just trying to save on post & packing!
@bananza Luckily it ain’t that chilly in Rightpondia. Just back from a something-around-9K (my GPS died!)
Yup, not entirely sure I believe the GPS on those last few kilometres. http://twitpic.com/32layi