Be warned, world. I’m just about to start catching up with my email backlog.
@caitlinmoran Is that just because only one of them has been played to death everywhere for twenty years, though?
@KaveyF Not like you. Whassup?
A Glass of Water and a Packet of Crisps #bbccuts
I’ve seen drunken unicyclists more stable than this software.
LeeCottier Hurrah! Episodes of BBC “The Great Egg Race” 1979-1986 now online: Pls tell me I wasn’t the only (geeky) kid 2 love this?
Most terrifying thought watching the #apprentice: What if these actually _are_ the 16 best and brightest of British business?
Finally got around to watching @MitchBenn’s _Proud of the BBC_. Hurrah! *waves flag*…
I also note that the comments on @MitchBenn’s video must rank among the most coherent and well-spelled on YouTube. Not saying much, I admit.
@Dru_Marland Given the money and data they’ve had from me, I’d more expect, “Your new headphones are in the post. You’ll like them.”
@MediaBen Well, they should wear dayglo habits if they’re going to be hanging around in the dark.
@tsunimee If you start doing that, I’ll turn chartreuse with envy.
@DrHairbear Ugh. If I felt like that, you’d only follow the trail as far as the sofa.
@inkyhands Huge fluffy earmuffs. Warming and unmatronly.
@inkyhands Also, surprisingly satisfying to say. Odd.
I see from @alexia that it’s @itunes10icon who’s responsible for the death of the CD, the murderous little bugger.
Guess what, Amazon? You say, “Over 7,000 to choose from.” I read, “I will *never* find the best option.”