Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 22nd, 2010

Wow. GoDaddy’s homepage now looks so sleazy that I don’t want to open it at work. Someone else it is, then.

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Arse. Next Friday will be the last Ferry Boat morning commuter run. Service stopping because there’s not enough money in it :(

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@archidave Low numbers, plus no increase in subsidy. No cut, though. Sigh. 20 years, that morning commuter service has run.

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via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:00 AM, Oct 22nd, 2010 via Twitter for iPhone)

@DrHairbear Response: “Then I’m afraid I can’t find your degree.”

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DrJonRogers 37 free Wi-Fi hotspots are being launched by the city council. Includes 2 in St Pauls. see… - more coming soon

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:00 AM, Oct 22nd, 2010 via Twitter for iPhone)

I really need to get back to programming for a living. MI reporting is okay, but doesn’t give me as much helping-people-out satisfaction.

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Still sad about the morning commuter service stopping. Been using it for 15 years, I reckon :(

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@ratsass For good, though they’re trying to find another firm to take over. It’s just so friendly; it’s like an anti-bus.

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@SpikyZebra Tried Clifton Wine Cellar? I find him very non-partisan in that respect. And have never knowingly worn suit or brayed in there.

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@tom_watson When was the last time someone put 50p in the meter?

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@hayles Yup. Though saw it in reverse last night as bloke bought stuff in Boots while on phone; neither eye-contact nor a single word to SA.

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@seengee Sorry it took me so long to laugh at that, but I had to wait for my secretary to print my tweets out.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to robjmills