@xabl Cool. When they made their way out into the world, did you think “there goes someone who’ll do well posting nuts to strangers”?
Support We’re investigating reports of folks still seeing 0/0 follow counts, unable to follow other users. We’ll send another update shortly.
@tyronem @dhatmygh Amen.
Hmm. Carcassonne for iPad? I can imagine that pleasing a few of my friends :) (via @daringfireball) http://carcassonneapp.co…
@archidave The reality that you actually are a freed slave, hopefully :)
@markmilian Airline food isn’t there as food. It’s there as a 5-minute distraction from the fact there’s still hours of fucking flying left.
Mornin’ all. Pretty out. http://yfrog.com/mxy37sj
@paulahillier Ooh. Is it today?
@caitlinmoran I hate to break it to you, but that number he left? That’s *not* the dialling code for the North Pole.
@paulahillier Well, may you have a week of cakes, be they early, on time, or mildly belated ;)
Oooh, first @grazedotcom box :D http://yfrog.com/ht2a3ij
@archidave Arse.
Hmm. When a company gets so large as to require you to wear ID, is it time to leave? #paraphrase #lazaruslong
bristol247 Man arrested following horrific attack on woman in her own home in Bedminster #bristol http://ht.ly/2NKzi
@rabidbee Traditionally, Columbo.
@rabidbee Though personally, I hope to have a cold by Wednesday, because I just set the video for _The Rockford Files_.
@Lillput That’s probably the only series I’m actually considering buying a DVD boxset of.
@rabidbee Yeah, pretty much anything featuring a detective who looks more rumpled than you feel will be fine.
Would any UK followers like to try a free @grazedotcom box? I have this code that gives us both stuff: 7YFDGNRN http://www.graze.com/
Hmm. Trying to look at the Bath half marathon site, but I can’t seem to find any DNS records for it.
@canofpopcom Beavering? In a rabbit warren? This beaver, is he lost?