Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 3rd, 2010

Hmm. It’s a bit late to have dinner, isn’t it?

via Echofon

@sizemore “Doo-doo da-da-doo diddldiddle-dee-dee…”

via Echofon in reply to sizemore

Oooh, off to see William Gibson this week.

via Echofon

Kids can sense headaches remotely. Currently having a tambourine bashed at me over iChat.

via Echofon

How did it get to be FOUR O’CLOCK? Gah.

via Echofon

robinince Tracy Emin is making some art for No 10. Presume a rug which lists every country foreign policy has fucked

via Mobile Web (retweeted on 1:00 AM, Oct 3rd, 2010 via Echofon)

Wow. Ever had one of those days where you just couldn’t really run? That was rubbish.

via Twitter for iPhone

Roight. Off for a jog.

via Echofon

This morning I have mostly been fiddling with a quote in Photoshop Elements. Yay procrastination!

via Echofon

@bethofalltrades I don’t even know what a bodega is, but you look fab. Ace dress.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to bethofalltrades

Woke up to Radio 4 talking about Easter eggs. Odd.

via Twitter for iPhone