Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

September 6th, 2010

@tsunimee If it helps, you could “cop off” with someone in a quiet corner at a good party without raising too many eyebrows, I’d say.

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Thanks, Spideog (, for Flickring so many photos so quickly, including this one of me:

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I have been triple-shotted by Emmeline. The girl is a bad influence.

via Twitter for iPhone

@grahamspiller Aha! Yes, I should probably look at people’s profile photos more often, I might spot more people myself!

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grahamspiller Bumped into @gothick whilst picking up my photos from @photosuk. I’m discovering that more and more of you actually exist in real life.

via Twittelator (retweeted on 1:00 AM, Sep 6th, 2010 via Twitter for iPhone)

@hayles Severe weather? I really should check this stuff before I go out without a coat…

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to hayles

Yay! Found myself in Evening Post result list. I came 10,037th :)

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Right. I have successfully done DIY. Now to tidy up and head into town for lunch.

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@tsunimee …but for some extremes of the phrase, you might be better off getting a room :)

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The results of this morning’s DIY. How organised is *that*?

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@tsunimee Same as “get off”, which I think we discussed t’other week.

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@parryphernalia I was thinking of using my day off to do some DIY. Involving a stepladder. Now reconsidering.

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@hayles As a crap dancer who therefore hates dancing, he has my sympathy.

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Really quite glad I took today off work. Not because I’m actually suffering particularly, just because I’m not a big fan of going to work :)

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Dru_Marland I did wonder about the poetic potential for Twitter but then I decided it was probably better for short stories and lived happily ever after

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:00 AM, Sep 6th, 2010 via Echofon)

@benjohnbarnes I have one booked for tomorrow. My usual therapist doesn’t work Mondays, sadly!

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Facebook ad: “You a popular blogger?” Me: “Yes, in part because of my ability to use verbs.”

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Morning all! I feel pretty good this morning. As long as I don’t sit down, stand up, or try to use stairs.

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Where the hell did these flies come from? I’m sure I disposed of that last corpse. *checks under sofa*

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@mhoulden No, not feeling too bad. Steps are a bit hard, but on the whole no worse than I felt after the 10K.

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@Jorence Ta! Definitely considering it now. Would be good incentive for training through the winter…

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@stillawake No, I’ll probably run at the weekend. Can’t let it slide — it’s the only thing that’s keeping my weight down!

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Dear me, I appear to be having an evening off. I had so much I was going to do, too. Damn.

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@stillawake I can barely manage thirteen stairs today.

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Goodness I feel fat. I probably overdid the post-half-marathon steak-and-cake celebration.

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Bored for a moment, I decided to try Ping. It gave me a session timeout error immediately. I will therefore do something more productive.

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computermuseum Does anyone know an IT dept that could donate 64 LCD screens. Used 15” would be fine. Must work and must all match. Please RT Not kidding!

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:00 AM, Sep 6th, 2010 via Echofon)

@nickbrompton That should probably be @hayles’s Twitter bio, you know.

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@nickbrompton Yeah, @hayles’s evilness is merely a thin veneer covering a core of, er, more evilness.

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@nickbrompton “Sometimes lovely”? That’s high praise from @hayles

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@arlinelyons Hey, imagine how bad it could get if I drank…

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On the plus side, I *did* get the baked potato perfect this time, and Nigel Slater’s “karate chop” opening method really works.

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Hey, I almost nailed the Jamie Oliver “perfect steak”. Apart from undercooking it, and setting off the fire alarm.

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@bexxi No, I already know which ones I need to lose. Those would be the ones from the bottom of the drawer, that I’d forgotten I owned!

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@bexxi No, I’m just rubbish at throwing stuff away. Now I can actually _see_ the stuff, I might be able to downsize a bit more…

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@talkie_tim A small wok and a big wok. And a thick-walled, non-stick wok-type thing that’s not really a wok.

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