danbarker Technically true. pic.twitter.com/XVyapfp9ro
For some reason I’m thinking of Sunnydale… @bufferingcast twitter.com/MrEwanMorrison…
I’m fairly sure now that the way to trigger an iCloud photo sync is to get bored and email the picture to yourself instead.

Anyway. I have celebrated consumerism today by buying a full-price holesaw kit at Toolstation for the princely sum of £6.80 so I could drill a hole in my desk for a wireless charger. pic.twitter.com/UjqY4077bm
ChuckWendig well I see they found my son’s drawings from when he was 4, I hope he gets a nice royalty twitter.com/jalopnik/statu…
Wait, so Black Friday is *next* Friday? Amazon seem to be confusing matters by kicking off their Black Friday sale on a Friday that isn’t Black Friday. Maybe this is less baffling in a country that celebrates Thanksgiving…