@psidnell (“No! No, we definitely said we wanted the plywood on the *bottom* of the computer…” “That’s not what it says in the spec!”)
@psidnell I’ve seen far worse IT solutions delivered in industry.
“Hi. I have a delivery for a Mr… Huh. That’s funny. It just says ‘Spike’…” @bufferingcast twitter.com/nypost/status/…

In entirely unrelated news, I have kicked my (already written-off) dead old washing machine so hard that it’s come apart at the seams and I now feel slightly better. Apparently I remember some of my karate. pic.twitter.com/oriVeffriV
@Kavey @jlandpcustserv Ultimate dystopia: We’ll all be on zero-hours contracts working for subsidiaries of the UK’s only employer, Sports Direct, so we can buy things from the UK’s only retailer, Sports Direct…
@Kavey @jlandpcustserv I don’t know what the heck has happened to John Lewis. Next Wednesday it’ll be three months exactly since I first phoned up and said my machine needed repairing. It’s been a disaster from start to— well, not finish. Because it still isn’t over! Gah!
And the 3-month saga of my washer/dryer continues. I told @jlandpcustserv when I ordered the replacement that my area had 5 ton weight restriction and tight corners. And again last week when I booked the delivery. The driver just called to say he can’t get his 7-ton van near me.
So far: Many fireworks. No John Lewis.
@ememess How do we still manage to waste all our time now we don’t have to wait for programs to load from a Memorex C60 stuffed into a Sharp tape recorder?
I had a third-party (MemoTech?) one that came with self-adhesive Velcro strips to mitigate the dreaded RAM pack wobble. twitter.com/jimalkhalili/s…
JennyAnnDee One day, rather than ‘so sorry for the confusion’, I’m going to come out with it and say ‘if you’d read the fucking email I sent you with its carefully laid out short paragraphs that a gibbon could understand, you would have the answer to your idiot query, fucknuts’
@palindromic_Han @cwillycs The Assault Course of Cherry Horror is how I think of the period from Hallowe’en until the end of the year.

cwillycs There is a fellow introvert on the Sephora customer experience team who deserves A RAISE RIGHT NOW pic.twitter.com/4Aan7lUyVD
(Drying, even. Though I suppose it stopped trying, too.)
I’m (allegedly) having my replacement washer dryer delivered today at 7pm. Three months since the old one stopped trying, and it does rather feel like it should be celebrated with fireworks…