@ovationchris Cool, thanks!
@psidnell Christ.
@dangusset Me too. Then again, I think the follower count *and* the mental illness may just be symptoms of the underlying problem: hanging out on Twitter for twelve sodding years.
@ovationchris Ambience aside, is the food in Bento Boss still ace? Was just thinking how I’d not been for ages.
@danielpunkass Can you put something in the picture for scale? An armchair, maybe, or a small naval frigate?
@Birdmaster777 It really is. Someone (@TimClarePoet?) mentioned it in a podcast the other day and I realised it had been far too long since I read it.

Idle time. pic.twitter.com/VuT1Im2OPl
Idly listening to music and wondering if Wolf Alice’s “Planet Hunter” might’ve originally been to the tune of “Firestarter”…
CaseyNewton Honestly though a premium-priced product whose chief benefit is helping you ignore the world around you is the perfect tech product for an American city in 2019
thispeterlewis entry level designer
junior designer
senior designer
principal designer
final designer
final final designer
final final final designer_v2
designer v3 FINAL
The Dark Snowflake is my superhero name. twitter.com/archidave/stat…