MittenDAmour I want to make a Hallmark Christmas film where a hard nosed city bitch gets stranded in a tiny cookie cutter town and helps the hunky local hardware store owner see that the co-dependent locals are stifling his potential and that his true calling is investment banking.

Less than a week to go and my real-time bargraph suggests that the Greens are certainly ahead in paper usage in Bristol West. Studying the small print finds that only Labour and the Tories had their leaflets printed in Bristol, for what it’s worth…
bigstace9 If anybody knows of any lonely old people who will be eating Christmas dinner alone because they have no family or close friends, can they let me know? I need to borrow some chairs.
@hatsandbikes @BristolCCouncil What’s the betting it’ll fall on someone’s head and kill them before the council does anything?