Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

December 6th, 2019

Gary_Bainbridge Dolly Parton’s on BBC4 if you want to feel a bit happier.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 10:11 PM, Dec 6th, 2019 via Twitter for iPhone)

Wow. So apparently this dangling box I reported to Openreach is actually from the old Rediffusion cable system and not actually theirs. Helpfully they’re now going to report it to @BristolCCouncil for me, at least; apparently it’s their repsonibility now…

via Twitter Web App

@jwomack @UnlikelyWorlds It worries me every now and again to remember that I spent a lot of time in my secondary school’s small “radioactives room” purely because that’s where the Chemistry department kept their BBC Micro.

via Twitter Web App in reply to jwomack