@Nomme1 I thought Hendrix played a right-handed guitar strung upside down?
Watching a left-handed guitarist play a right-handed guitar, turned over but strung normally. It’s making my brain hurt.
Jesus. So far I’ve had a bath, picked up glasses and had lunch. And now I have a headache to add to my tiredness #sigh
My two new Nikon lenses. http://twitpic.com/1xsyln
Score! Kellogg’s Variety Packs _without_ bloody Rice Krispies mulitgrain shapes. *buys entire shop* #yesmylifeistrivial
@tsunimee http://www.google.co.uk/… Downsides: (a) not a movie. (b) Nobody below my age will know who she is :(
Oh, it’s a carpenter running planks through a circular saw. I thought a vuvuzela was a bit out of place in Clifton Village. Q
Finally got it together to go out, buy lunch and pick up new glasses. Feels like someone slightly changed the entire world on me.
@stillawake Mornin’! My Dad lives in Crete, so I know roughly enough Greek to buy a beer ;)
@twitttles Not too bad now, but rough enough this morning to have taken the day off. Now, which channel has the all-day Columbo special on?