I’m happy to pay any phone company an unlimited sum of money for their service every month. There is a fair-use cap of £25, however.
Yay! New Chris Fowler Bryant & May novel has arrived. So, read now, or save it for holiday time? Hmm… http://twitpic.com/1yrvlz
@benparkatbjs Well, I’d only bother with the crucial ones. I need @Runkeeper to work, would take my chances with most other stuff :)
Just misspelled “mattgetsrunning.com” as “mattgetsruning”. Presumably that would be the blog of my AD&D character in an alternate universe.
@benparkatbjs But I’ve already had notification from at least one major app author that their app isn’t compatible yet. Think I’ll hold off.
Morning all! http://twitpic.com/1yo1su