@bccore Yeah, but I want bigger screen and huge battery life. Plus e-ink seems nicer for the summer sunshine :)
hotdogsladies New Sanity Enhancer: Banker’s box labeled, “Cords, Adapters, and Power Supplies I’ll (Probably) Never Need.”
Net Sanity Enhancement: +20%
@chrisphin @stitchbitch tidy one single area until it’s a more serene place to slob, then give yourself permission to slob (important).
@talkie_tim Which shop, pray tell?
@tsunimee well, I just hope the man isn’t ticklish.
@chrisphin By a process of deduction, I’d say they’re likely looking to change their AOL passwords.
@chrisphin Similarly, YouTube commenters would use the query “lol how change pass ur moron”.
Hmm. This may be a good time to buy a Kindle.
@TTApress If I already subscribe to Black Static and IZ, is there a good (i.e. cheapest) way to add Crimewave?
Think I’m skewing the stats by answering Guardian iPhone app surveys. No way to say, “but that’s because I only use the app once a month!”
philmonger There is a GIANT FUCKING SWARM OF BEES trying to break into Natwest bank on Corn Street #moneybees http://twitpic.com/1zsqbd
@philmonger Clearly my curses have started working. Lloyds TSB card fraud services had better watch out for the fleas of a thousand camels.
@MGBS4 Sure it’ll be a good walk regardless. Much rather be out taking photos than down the pub.
@TTApress cool, ta for reply! At least I know I’m not missing a deal if I just take out a new sub :)
Hmm. Bristol Flickr walk tomorrow seems to go around places I normally am week in week out. Still, that’s a challenge, I suppose.
@philmonger Sadly they’d mostly buzzed off when I went past just now!
@Dan_Martin will that make it the second time you’ve seen a live performance of Combine Harvester within a week?
@Dan_Martin Oh, sorry, thought you were at Bill Bailey on Sunday!
Anyone who enjoys Mongrels on BBC3 tonight should go watch Pets, pretty much the original, though uncredited, and fab. http://bit.ly/a7ENiW
(If you are into foulmouthed animal pupptry, http://petscomedy.com/ is the Pets internet hub…)
A wedding reception just drove past me on the Hotwell Road http://flic.kr/p/8df3gg #Bristol
@Dan_Martin I think they should do Bill Bailey in the style of Kraftwerk in the style of the Wurzels. The universe would implode.
New series of The IT Crowd: 10pm, Channel 4.
@twitttles Why thank you. Although I try to aim for truly grumpy yet occasionally gentle. Hrmph.